Top 10 Small Dogs in the World
4 years agoon
2.Yorkshire Terrier
4.Toy Poodle
6.Pug Small Dogs
7.Shih Tzu
8.Bichon Frise
9.Boston Terrier
10.French Bulldog
Top 10 Small Dogs in the World
The first word that comes in anybody’s mind when we talk about the smallest dog is “Adorable”. There are a number of smallest dog breeds in the world that are becoming the first pet choice of people. These tiny living creatures can take away your all stress with its wagging tail and cute paws. Anything can be more affectionate than a little dog waiting for you at home? Their maintenance is also easy and you can take them with you anywhere you want without any hassle. Their grooming is also simple and they fit perfectly in your lap.

This breed of dog is known for its loyalty and companionship towards humans. It belongs to Mexico and named after their state Chihuahua in Mexico. It likes to be pampered and treated with respect. The specialty of this adorable dog is that it comes in a variety of colors and patterns. It is a quick learner and the behavior of this dog is calm and they can also stay alone at home behind you. Averagely they weigh around 2 to 3 kgs and you can easily roam around keeping them in your hands. Their hairs are soft and their overall appearance is cute enough to instantly boost your mood.
2.Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire Terrier dog is also known as a toy dog and famous for its long silky hairs. Their head is small and the eyes are black. Their silky hairs come in two colors, tan and steel blue and both are equally admiring. These dogs are easy to train and socialize easily. These are very attentive and bark at anything they find strange due to which they are also considered as great watchdogs. Character traits of this dog include courageous, confident and bold. It is difficult for these dogs to survive in the too cold and too warm atmosphere and therefore they prefer to live in indoor areas.

Pomeranians are widely praised for their adorable cuteness which makes them one of the most famous pets in the world. It has long thick hairs that come in a wide range of 23 colors such as red, orange, chocolate, cream, beaver sable, wolf sable and many more. These are quick learners and can easily be trained.
4.Toy Poodle

Toy Poodle
Toy poodles are widely appreciated for their charming beauty and good behavior toward humans. These are intelligent, quick learners and faithful. In France, these dogs are known as ‘caniche’ which means ‘Duck Dog’ in the English language. These poodles are found globally in three varieties namely, toy poodles, miniature poodles and standard poodles in which toy poodles are the smallest and standard poodles are biggest. It has unique oval-shaped eyes and a curly coat of hair. It comes in colors like apricot, cream, white and silver. These dogs demand proper maintenance of hairs to stay hygienic. Also, these are very playful, intelligent and easy to train.

These dogs normally grow around 11 inches in height and approximately 3.6 to 4.5 kg in weight. Papillon stands for butterfly in English language and this name is given to them due to their butterfly like ears. It is a well behaved dog and has silky soft coat of hairs. These are quick learners and needs proper training to socialize. It can easily stay alone behind you in your apartment and regular combing is a necessity to keep its beauty alive.

This cute puppy is the first choice as a pet of a large number of populations. These are cute and famous for their small square shaped wrinkled face. Pug is a Latin word which means fist in English. This name is given to them because of the resemblance between their face and human fist. These weigh between 6 to 9 kg and can grow up to 14 inches in height. They have round black eyes, tiny ears, curly tail, small feet and flat round head. Pugs are highly faithful towards their owner and are great watchdogs.
7.Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu is a Chinese name which means lion in English language. These dogs are incredibly adorable and affectionate. These are small in size and normally weigh around 4 to 7.2 kg. These dogs are famous for their long silky hairs and the specialty that they don’t shed them around. They can stay alone and are great companions of humans. This tiny puppy is adorable, cute and able to take away your all stress.
8.Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise
This cute breed of dog is native to Spain. Its name Bichon Frise is a Spanish word which means curly lap dog. This dog is intelligent, cheerful and incredibly friendly with humans. Normally they weigh between 5 to 10 kg and have a dense coat of soft and curly white hairs on their body. It has great resemblance with white poodles and therefore many people confuse them with white poodles. These adorable dogs always appear happy and love everybody. They socialize easily and easy to train. These like to play with children and stay in family.
9.Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier are small in size but well muscled. They have broad chest, tiny tail and their head appear square shaped. These cute dogs normally weigh around 4.5 to 11 kg. They are quick learners and can easily learn tricks commanded by their owner. Boston terrier is cute, adorable and its maintenance is also easy.
10.French Bulldog

French Bulldog
These dogs like to be pampered by everybody they meet. These can grow up to 30 cm in height and normally weigh around 9 to 12 kg. These have small cute face, round bat ears and round strong chest. Their body appears muscular and covered with a coat of short and shiny hairs. These dogs socialize easily and can easily learn tricks. French bulldogs do not bark a lot but they stay very attentive towards everything that happen around them. They are friendly and can live with other pets in the house.
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Top 10 Most Beautiful Flowers In The World
4 years agoon
August 11, 2021By
Most Beautiful Flowers In The World
1.Rose-Beautiful Flowers
2.Orchid-Beautiful Flowers
3.Tulips-Beautiful Flowers
4.Lotus-Beautiful Flowers
5.Chrysanthemum-Beautiful Flowers
6.Water lilies-Most Beautiful
7.Bleeding Heart-Most Beautiful
8.Dahlia-Most Beautiful
9.Magnolia-Most Beautiful
10.Cherry Blossom-Flowers
If we ask you to name the ugliest flower in the world, it would be difficult to answer because every flower in this world is beautiful. Flowers are not only beautiful but they have their own specific language as well. While some used for decoration, some depicts love, some are appreciated for their fragrance and some are significant for their religious value. It can also be said that flower is nature’s best creation.
From centuries, flowers are holding specific place in our lives to reflect our versatile expressions and feelings at different occasions. flowers automatically refreshes mood and makes you want to give a refreshing start to yourself every day. From worship to funeral flowers holds an important place in each stage of our life. This divine appearance is also useful for us in various manners. Some flowers are used in medicines, some in skin care products, some for meditation and some for therapy. Though, it is difficult to answer most beautiful flower too but still some flowers are categorized as the most beautiful flowers in the worlds due to their unique features.

Rose is awarded as the most beautiful flower in the world. No one can deny its charismatic beauty and ambrosial fragrance. Cultivation of rose has been started in 500 B.C. and since then, this flower has a deep connection with all of us. Rose is the symbol of love, faith, passion and beauty. There are total 100+ species of this flower in the world. Different colors of this flower depict different meanings and each one has its own unique significance. Where red signifies deep love, yellows depict friendship.
White shows purity and pink shows charm. Also, rose has the best fragrance that is used in various products. Rose is used in various skin care products as well due to its magical benefits for skin. Rose water is used to improve skin complexion and make it soft and supple. In earlier time, rose petals are used during bath to give skin a refreshing rejuvenation.

These are incredibly amazing and have delicate soft petals. It is famous for its unique range of vibrant colors that is highly eye alluring. There are more than 2500 species of this flower known to world. These stunning flowers are used for decoration as well in wedding and anniversaries. It portrays luxury, love, beauty and strength. Pink and white orchids are widely famous amongst people for their attractive charm and beauty.
It has only three petals and a waxy tube like structure at the centre called column. It has soft and waxy petals with sweet refreshing breeze. These flowers are found in every corner of worlds and equally appreciated everywhere. It remains fresh for long time that makes it suitable for decoration. Orchid is the first choice of many people for decoration due to their charming and elegant beauty.

Have you ever imagined standing between a large field of multicolor tulips. There is a keukenhof flower garden in Netherlands where a large tulip garden is spread across the 32 hectares. It is a cup shaped flower that is available in a variety of colors such as yellow, pink, white and red etc. some tulips are multicolored because of viral diseases. Unique features and charming shades of this flower can easily grab anybody’s attention.
This flower mainly grows in the summer season and has 3000 varieties from 150 different species. It is also considered as a symbol of spirituality, forgiveness and peace. But one unfortunate fact about tulips is that its life cycle is only of 5 to 7 days and after that flower dies.

Regardless of growing inside a murky pond, its unique features make it one of the widely appreciated flower. Beauty of a lotus is undisputable even if it grows in dirty mud. It contains multiple layers of soft and waxy petals in round shape that give it a highly eye catching structure.
In many religions like Buddhist and Hindu it is considered as a sacred flower. It is a symbol of divinity, grace, purity and harmony. During worships, it is used to bring divinity at home. It only grows during summer and cannot survive in cold weather conditions. It can stay fresh for a long time due to its characteristic of opening in the morning when light falls on it and closing at night.

It depicts friendship and loyalty. These flowers are found in different shades of colors such as yellow, red, pink and white etc. It is most famous in white color and also known as the dazzling white. Each color has its own significant meaning such as white symbolizes honesty, violet wellness and red an invitation to new relationships.
Medically, it can be used to treat high blood pressure, chest pain, dizziness, headache, cold, fever and swelling.
6.Water lilies

Water lilies
This flower is also known as the queen of all aquatic flowers in the world. These flowers grow only in the still and fresh water ecosystems such as ponds. It requires summer and spring season to bloom. Some water lilies produce fragrance and some not. It has sweet floral or citrus fragrance depend on the species and color.
There are 70 types of different known water lilies, all are equally breathtaking. It has long stem attached at the bottom and flower floats above the water surface. It remains closed during evening and opens in morning. Apart from its fascinating beauty, it helps in protecting the ecosystem by maintaining the appropriate water temperature and produces a comfortable habitat for fishes.
7.Bleeding Heart

Bleeding Heart
Nobody can disagree that heart symbolize just one thing Love and so does this flower. It is a herbaceous plant and categorized into the poppy family.
This flower grows in moist and cool weather. It comes in pink, yellow, white and red color.These are distinctive and one of the less explored species of flowers.

Dahlia is one of the most versatile flower that comes in different sizes and multiple colors. One of the most highlighting features of this flower is its ringer petals. Its petals have solid color and stripped shading at the corner end that makes it even more beautiful. Its size can range from 2 inches to 20 inches in diameter. It blooms during the mid summer.
This flower is available in almost every color except blue. This flower remains fresh for a long time and has pleasant fragrance.

These flowers depict nobility and dignity. In America, these are common in decoration of ceremonies and other events. This flower has a pure essence in its texture and colors that is highly satisfying.
It has soft and thick petals which stay in their original state for a long time. These are perfect to gift your loved ones to appreciate their presence in your life. This flower comes in different colors and each one represent different expressions such as, white means purity and perfection, purple means best wishes and luck while pink means youth.
10.Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom
It is one of the most amazing flower that grow in summer season.This festival has more than 3000 cherry trees. Unique beauty of this flower makes it most appreciable as compared to all other flowers.
It grows after winter and symbolizes the arrival of spring. Its flowering starts in early may and last with starting of winter. It grows in the cluster at the nodes of stem and creates an eye catching view. According to them, blooming of cherry blossom depicts the beginning of new hopes and beauty of life. This flower is delicate, small in size and has sweet fragrance.

These flowers are perfect to gift your loved ones to wish them luck and prosperity in their life. It has refreshing fragrance and comes in a variety of colors. Many people use it in their home décor as well to bring peace. These elegant flowers are highly in demand for decoration at ceremonies and other special events.

These flowers are native to china. It has soft dense petals that open layer by layer over the course of time. It symbolizes romance, good fortune, honor and compression. This flower grows in a large variety of colors such as light pink, bold red, white and magenta etc.

Camellia depicts love, affection, deep desire and passion. This flower can stay fresh for a long time and hence suitable for decoration.

This flower is famous for its rose like appearance. It’s blooming starts in summer season and requires good care. It grows in many colors, mainly in yellow, orange and red. Its petals are delicate, soft and have citrus smell. This flower depicts individuality and uniqueness. Begonia may be the right flower for any individual who has his own specific uniqueness. It also considered as a symbol of harmony and peace at some places.

Hydrangea is the flower of summer season. Its colors range from the blue to white and sometimes pink. This flower is native to Southern and Eastern Asia and mainly grown in the Indonesia, Japan and china. Hydrangea is the symbol of heartfelt emotion.

- LIC Housing Finance Ltd.
- Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.
- PNB Housing Finance Ltd.
- ICICI Home Finance Company Ltd.
- BOB Housing Finance Company Ltd.
- Can Fin Homes Ltd.
- State Bank of India.
- Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation in India.
Top 10 Housing Finance Companies in India
The concept of mortgage defines the act of bank issuing loan permit by withholding personal property as mortgage of mortgagor, which identifies as the security of repayment in the exchange of loan. The concept of housing finance developed over the years, which was known by the name of mortgage companies. According to the researches, housing finance companies have net worth of US $18 billion. The idea of direct housing finance has shown commercial banks a sight of development in different years from 27 percent in the year 2000 to 57 percent in the year 2003. There are some of the foremost and well known banks in India, which engage in mortgage banking such as:
- LIC Housing Finance Ltd.
- Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.
- PNB Housing Finance Ltd.
- ICICI Home Finance Company Ltd.
- BOB Housing Finance Company Ltd.
- Can Fin Homes Ltd.
- State Bank of India.
- Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation in India.
How do housing companies deal mortgage plans?
The mortgage finance industries usually represent their plans in two different ways such as:
- Fixed rate mortgage.
- Variable rate mortgage.
The both mortgage plans are different as per the calculation of interest and as per regular payment towards the principal. The rate of interest does not change for fixed rate mortgage during the entire loan period, and the regular form of payment is made to the principal. Whereas in the case of variable rate mortgage, the rate of interest alter according to the changes in the index of market, and the regular form of payment is made to the capital. There is a common protocol, which is followed by almost every mortgage company in India that banks provide loans in the form of substantial or bullet payment out of the principal loan at the rate of economic interest.
What kinds of mortgages are offered by mortgage companies?
The housing finance companies or you can say mortgage companies offer wide range of options for mortgages to obtain the certain requirement of borrowers. For instance: one of the options is reverse mortgage, which is an ideal offer for senior citizens. The ideal mortgage allows spouse of the mortgagor to hold the collateral till the time of her/his death. The mortgage company take over the hold of collateral into the possession after the death of the spouse, and the collateral will be utilized to meet the arrears. There are other prominent mortgage varieties as well such as:
- Commercial Loan.
- Participation Mortgage.
- Blanket Loans.
- Assumed mortgage.
- Fixed rate mortgage loan.
- Non-Conforming mortgage.
- Seasoned mortgage.
- Equity loan.
- Jumbo mortgage.
- Budget loan.
- Adjustable mortgage loans.
What are the facilities provided by mortgage companies?
The mortgage companies or housing finance companies provide special facilities to the people who have processed the loan procedure with the company, which includes following facilities such as:
- They provide facility of indulging into real estate lending.
- Assistance in the acceptance of mortgage application.
- Mortgage refinancing.
- Home equity loans.
- Debt consolidation service.
- Latest mortgage quotes.
- Assistance in mortgage calculation.
- New home loans.
Housing Companies in India
1.Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd: Housing Development Finance Corporation is known as one of the leading housing finance company in India, and they introduced housing finance in the year 1977. The company has approximately 546 interconnected offices with 188 offices for HDFC sales department, which is distributed in the states and cities of India.
- The company has made sales over the years of approximately Rs. 109,052 crore.
- The profit margin of company is 21,013 crore.
- The market capital of company is 4, 22,652 crore.
- The ‘return on equity’ of company is 15.95 percent.
- The growth of sales record of company in 3 years is 21.60 percent.
- The debt to equity of company is 2.17 percent.
- Price to book value of company is 3.37.
The company also has representative offices in three different countries such as London, Singapore, and Dubai, where home loan products are offered to the Non-Resident Indians and people of Indian origin. They are known as the largest private organizations of housing finance in India according to the sales distribution through HDFC sales, HDFC bank and direct selling associations of third party.
2.LIC Housing Finance Ltd: LIC Housing Finance was incorporated in 1989, which is also known as one of the largest housing finance companies in India. The key objective of company is to provide services with long term finance to people for the construction or purchase of flat/house in India for residential need. The company has available plans for people to provide finance on existing property personal or business needs, and also there are loan offers available for people with professional needs like to buy office space, equipments, sales of residential properties, and construction business. They have expanded their marketing networks with 273 offices in all over India.
- The company has calculated revenue of Rs. 18,917 crore.
- The company has earned profit margin of 2,681 crore.
- The market capital of company is 21,919 crore.
- The ‘return on equity’ of company is 15.89 percent.
- The growth of sales record of company in 3 years is 11.67 percent.
- The debt to equity of company is 9.77 percent.
- Price to book value of company is 1.27.
The company has set up the representative offices in different countries like Kuwait, Dubai to provide services to the Non-Resident Indians, and also in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and other GCC countries. They have extended their marketing reach, and have recruited many intermediaries to achieve more appraisals.
3.Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd: Indiabulls Housing Finance was established in the year 2000, which is also known as one of the largest housing finance companies in India. They have established a well known reputation by serving customers and making them happy in all over India.
- The company has made sales over the years of approximately Rs. 15,997 crore.
- The profit margin of company is 3,503 crore.
- The market capital of company is 12,923 crore.
- The ‘return on equity’ of company is 26.53 percent.
- The growth of sales record of company in 3 years is 22.67 percent.
- The debt to equity of company is 5.33 percent.
- Price to book value of company is 0.76.
The company has employed people over 8,100 as employees, in which some of the workforce handle customer service and some handle sales. The company has representative offices in countries like Dubai and London to serve people who are Non-Resident Indians. The company has expanded the branches approximately 220 across the country.
4.Dewan Housing Finance Companies Ltd: The Company provides loans to the retail customers for purchase and construction of residential property. They have been providing affordable loans for housing finance over the years to provide ownership to the families with middle income or of rural and urban areas.
- The company has calculated revenue of Rs. 12,270 crore.
- The company has earned profit margin of 1,677 crore.
- The market capital of company is 506.82 crore.
- The ‘return on equity’ of company is 11.63 percent.
- The growth of sales record of company in 3 years is 20.88 percent.
- The debt to equity of company is 11.57 percent.
- Price to book value of company is 0.06.
5.PNB Housing Finance Ltd: The Company started its execution of services from 1988, and the housing sector is promoted by the PNB bank. The company’s equity shares are listed amongst the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange. The company has several branches, which is spread all over the country, and available in the service of customers to finance.
- The company has made sales over the years of approximately Rs. 8,623 crore.
- The profit margin of company is 1,348 crore.
- The market capital of company is 7,298 crore.
- The ‘return on equity’ of company is 15.45 percent.
- The growth of sales record of company in 3 years is 40.49 percent.
- The debt to equity of company is 6.76 percent.
- Price to book value of company is 0.91.
6.Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd: They are known as leading brand amongst housing and development field, and operate through disciplinary workforce in the nationwide spread network of development and regional offices.
- The company has made sales over the years of approximately Rs. 6,568 crore.
- The profit margin of company is 1,626 crore.
- The market capital of company is 7,227 crore.
- The ‘return on equity’ of company is 11.29 percent.
- The growth of sales record of company in 3 years is 19.52 percent.
- The debt to equity of company is 0.39 percent.
- Price to book value of company is 0.60.
The company is also stepping forwards towards the development of sustainable habitat along with financial facilitating to work with quality of life and to improve the way of living.
7.GRUH Finance Ltd: GRUH Finance Ltd is known as the subsidiary of HDFC, which was started in 1988. They have approximately 195 branches in the states of India, and still stepping forwards with the focus to expand the area. The finance facilities are available under GRUH Home Loans by Bandhan bank, as GRUH Finance became the part of Bandhan bank.
- The company has made sales over the years of approximately Rs. 2,110 crore.
- The profit margin of company is 448 crore.
- The market capital of company is 23,321 crore.
- The ‘return on equity’ of company is 25.95 percent.
- The growth of sales record of company in 3 years is 16.69 percent.
- The debt to equity of company is 8.73 percent.
- Price to book value of company is 12.33.
8.Can Fin Homes Limited: The Company is known for housing finance, which was promoted by Canara Bank in 1987.
- The company has made sales over the years of approximately Rs. 1,890 crore.
- The profit margin of company is 321 crore.
- The market capital of company is 5,304 crore.
- The ‘return on equity’ of company is 18.15 percent.
- The growth of sales record of company in 3 years is 16.83 percent.
- The debt to equity of company is 7.18 percent.
- Price to book value of company is 2.74.
9.Repco Home Finance Ltd: The Company serves housing finance services, and the headquarters are in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
- The company has made sales over the years of approximately Rs. 1,271 crore.
- The profit margin of company is 270 crore.
- The market capital of company is 2,057 crore.
- The ‘return on equity’ of company is 16.54 percent.
- The growth of sales record of company in 3 years is 10.55 percent.
- The debt to equity of company is 5.56 percent.
- Price to book value of company is 1.23.
10.AAVAS Finance Ltd: The Company focuses more on providing housing loans to the customers with low or middle income rate. The company provides housing finance solution with appropriate interest rate and value for every kind of customers.
- The company has made sales over the years of approximately Rs. 828 crore.
- The profit margin of company is 232 crore.
- The market capital of company is 14,551 crore.
- The ‘return on equity’ of company is 11.63 percent.
- The debt to equity of company is 1.70 percent.
- Price to book value of company is 7.42.

1.HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company Limited
2.TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited
3.ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
4.Reliance General Insurance Company Limited
5.Bajaj Alliance General Insurance Company
Best Car Insurance Companies
There are numerous car insurance policies in India, but the real question is how one should choose the policy, and what the requirements to meet the end demands are. The questions do not end here, as the first question still stands about what is car insurance.
When you buy a new car, it becomes your most favourite and delicate thing, which you will protect at any cost, and what are the steps that have taken or going to take to protect your expensive property from any kind of harm is the main worry. In case you let go the option of protection, then you must know the harm can be thievery, accident, fire, and other damages that will cost you fortune to recover the loss. The car insurance is a way of protection from occurring financial losses due to any kind of incident happened to your car. According to the ‘Motor Vehicle Act’, all vehicles operating in public places should have at least third Party liability cover. The comprehensive cover is the most recommended policy, as it includes accidental damage due to unannounced occurrence of natural calamity or unnatural calamity.

Car Insurance Companies in India
How to choose insurance policy?
In India there are various kinds of companies that are offering policies with different benefits, but at the time decision, you get confused about how to choose between them. You have to research properly about the features, benefits, plans, and etc before you step ahead towards choosing policy for car insurance. Here are some of pointers that will help you to choose wisely, and will clarify the confusion such as:
Needs: You have to find out about the needs that you require accessing the insurance, and what kind of policy do you want to have. Once you have specified the needs, then it will easy for you to spot the necessities for car insurance. As in India, there are two kinds of policies available for people to access the insurance such as: Comprehensive and Third party Insurance.
- Comprehensive Car Insurance Policy covers damage to your car and the liability of the third party as well. This policy is a better choice in case you like to drive luxury car, as it will help you in recovery of financial loss happened due to any accident or calamity.
- Third Party Insurance Policy covers only damages occurred to the third party, and it is also a mandatory requirement by law. In this policy, you are not allowed to have a compensation for the occurrence of damages to your car.
Comparison of plans: Comparing the plans is a step where you will find out about the perfect needed features that is specifically your requirement. You have already accomplished a step by finding out about your specific needs on which kind of policy you want, which will make your decision making an easy task. Now you must be wondering about what are the categories that need to be compared in the plan of policy. The comparison will clarify about what you need to select according to the sum insured, exclusion & inclusion of the policy, claim process, what kind of add-ons they are offering, and deductibles, etc. And the most important step is to keep in mind about premiums you pay, which implies that your policy plans needs to be cost effective.
Add-ons: The add-ons are known as the additional coverage options, which imply that in order to purchase one, you need to pay additional premium. The add-ons or riders will provide additional coverage to the damages, which are not included in your plan. It is your responsibility to identify about the add-ons that company is offering, and choose according to the requirement. In addition, you must know that add-ons are only offered to the holders of the comprehensive policy.
Claim process: While you are sincerely following the steps, you need to check about the claim process in the policy. As you are investing an amount and time, then you need to indentify about the proper information of claim settlement that company is offering. You do not want to face another difficult procedure after facing a loss. It implies that you need to do inquiry about the claim settlement process to avoid any kind difficulty while getting compensation for the occurred loss.
Claim settlement ratio: The most important key factor is how much claim settlement ratio is offered by the company. You must find out about the ratio, as it will help you at the time of getting compensation approved. Before you finalize about selecting the policy, as the claim settlement ratio must be high to improve the chances of getting compensation approved.
Information: Proving information is a crucial step where you must not provide inadequate or wrong information in order to reduce the premium amount. These false claims may cause consequences like your settlement may be cancelled. So, it is important to responsibly fill the claim with adequate and correct information.
Terms and Condition: What more could be important than terms and condition? It is your responsibility and wise to check every terms and condition mention in the policy to indentify about the requirements that you need to meet, and to check what company is offering. The legal terms can be tricky or might have loophole or might create problem while getting compensation for your damage.
Above mentioned are the important key factors that you must consider to check before you sign onto any kind of insurance policy. Now that you have gain the details about what you should do while checking the policy, it is time to clear your confusion about insurance companies. Here are list of the best companies that provide car insurance with attractive features of policy such as:
1.HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company Limited: HDFC is one of the renowned companies in India and here are the feature of company for car insurance that is available for people such as:
- The company has founded the trust ability in people over the years, as more than I million people have taken the policy.
- The company also provides the services of car repairing, which is provided within the night, and also delivered to your doorsteps.
- The company has the system of online QR codes for verification to approve the claim settlements, which makes the process easier.
- HDFC is known for having approximately 6,800 garage facilities, which is spread widely, and they provide cashless transaction for services provided to you. It is an attracted hub of policy provider with multiple options, repair works, and easier process for applications.
2.TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited: Hearing the name TATA defines about the popularity of company. Here are the features that this company provide for car insurance such as:
- TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited offers different kind of add-ons with numerous features of comprehensive car insurance, which help in additional coverage of financial loss.
- The claim settlement offers provided by the company are easy accessible and quick to operate in the process.
- The company is known for its quick service providing process for applications, as service providing team is quick and active in action.
3.ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited: The ICICI Company is also very well renowned in India. Here are the features of the company that is available for people in terms of car insurance such as:
- The most benefitted factor this company is it provides high claim settlement ratio, which is important for every policy holder. According to the data of the year 2019, the company has settled 93.14 percent of claims of car insurance, which was settled under 30 minutes of intimation.
- The company is known for processing the claim settlement in the short period of time.
- The company has also achieved ‘Claim Leader- General Insurance’ award, which was given by Indian Insurance Award.
4.Reliance General Insurance Company Limited: The name of Reliance company is no secret to the world, as it is world renowned company. Here are the features that company provide for car insurance holders such as:
- The company is known for delivering policy within 10 seconds and without any kind of confusion or hassle.
- The company also provides free coverage of roadside assistance in the car insurance policy, which worth up to Rs. 500.
- The company has received ISO 9001:2015 certification, which implies about the trust bond with people.
5.Bajaj Alliance General Insurance Company: The Bajaj Alliance General Insurance Company is also very well renowned organization in the country India. The company is known for providing flexibility in insurance policy, which makes it most trusted brand in India. Here are the features that company provides for car insurance such as:
- The company provides insurance policy for purchase within 3 minutes.
- They also provide motor on-the-spot feature, which allows people to make claim settlement instantly through their smart phones. If the claims are small, then they are expected to be settled within 20 to 30 minutes.
- The most important and attractive feature that company provides is the claim settlement of 98 percent.
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